Life with an audience


Our kids are always watching

When I use the bathroom there is an audience.  When I shower there is an audience.  Cook, clean, and drink my coffee all done with an audience.  Honk at the car in front of me, which is sitting stationary at the green light, done in front of an audience.  Stub my toe and unleash a torrent of, hopefully, G rated explanation marks and my kids are there to see and hear it.  You get the idea, no matter what I’m doing or saying someone is always around to witness it.  I try, and often fail, to be a good example.  I want my words to be encouraging and kind.  I want my actions to model the lessons I am trying to teach my kids.  But it is exhausting!  No one can be “on stage” 24/7 without making some mistakes.  I am learning to admit to my kids when I was wrong.  My toddler is great at calling me out when I have used a mean word or acted unkind.  It hurts my pride to say, yes mommy was wrong, and to ask forgiveness.  But it is the right thing to do and it is good for me and for my kids.  By dealing correctly with my own, inevitable, mistakes I hope to teach my kids how to face their mistakes.

Applause!  Applause!  Here is a standing ovation for you!  This parenting thing is your most demanding performance and you are doing a great job.

One response »

  1. And it’s totally amazing what they pick up! 🙂 I stand a certain way sometimes with my hands on my hips, and my 2 year old started doing that while just standing there at times when he was at my moms. haha We couldn’t figure out where he got that, until mom noticed me!

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